Acoustics Piano Maintenance and Services

Acoustics Piano Maintenance and Services

1. How often should I tune my piano?

Every piano requires regular maintenance to produce the best sound and perform at a high level. When a piano is really in-tune and well melodize, the sound of the music is balanced and will play out gracefully. 

Almost all piano manufacturers suggest tuning your piano at least once a year. If you are an avid user or if the piano is placed in a high humidity area, it is considerable to recommend every piano owner to tune twice or more in the same year. 

We are offering every new Kawai’s acoustic piano owners a complimentary tunings:

Upright Piano: Customers are entitled to three (3) complimentary tunings after purchasing an upright piano, scheduled as follows:


1st Tuning

2nd Tuning

3rd Tuning 

Tuning Service

Within 1- 2 weeks after delivery

3 months after 1st tuning

6 months after 2nd tuning


Grand Piano: Customers are entitled to six (6) complimentary tunings after purchasing a grand piano, scheduled as follows:


1st Tuning

2nd to 6th Tuning

Tuning Service

Within 1- 2 weeks after delivery

Every 3 months thereafter


For every new purchase, our Kawai Service Centre will contact you within 3-5 days to arrange for free delivery and complimentary piano tuning services.

2. When to call for piano tuning services?

Although only the piano technicians could determine the extent your piano needs tuning, regulation and voicing, you know things are amiss for your piano when:

  • The note sound dull or shrill
  • There are audible mechanical sounds when playing
  • The sound is not in harmony
  • The keys are slow to return to position, and sluggish

Then it is time to contact our Kawai Service Centre to book an appointment with piano technicians.

3. Why do I need to tune my piano?

Over time, strings within the piano can stretch and move, causing the piano to go out of tune. This means that the tension exerted on the frame is not even, as the strings have moved slightly. This is accompanied by the unpleasant sound of an out-of-tune piano. Tuning the piano will equalise the string tension against the frame and soundboard. This will make the piano last longer and easier to tune in future and preserving the value of the instrument for a better time span. 


4. Where can receive extended tuning services after the first 3 complimentary tuning?

To ensure your Piano is always in its tip-top condition. We provide full range of comprehensive Maintenance Packages and at competitive price to suit your individual needs.

Just email us at or whatsapp our Kawai Service Centre HQ at +6010-218 8240. Our service administrator will be glad to provide you with free consultation and no obligation advice on any piano maintenance issues or inquiries.

Terms and Conditions : Maintenance package is applicable for last tuning completed by Kawai Authorized Technicians within 2 years.

RM per
250 300 300 300 550

 *The table above applies to the Klang Valley area. For inquiries outside this region,
please contact our Service Centre for a quotation.

5. Can I use any piano tuner in the market that is not authorized by Kawai?

If your warranty claim is still active, you are highly recommended to appoint Authorized Kawai Technicians to seek service. If you appoint any piano technicians that is not recognized or qualified by Kawai Service Centre, we reserve the right to void your piano’s warranty. You may refer to warranty policy here for more details. 

6. What happens in tuning?

The word "tuning" normally refers to all of the technical maintenance tasks required for a piano. These jobs are divided into the following three broad classifications:



  • Regulation

Regulation involves making minute adjustments to the keyboard and action. The touch of the keys is adjusted, and the keys are levelled.



  • Tuning

Tuning is the correction of the pitch of each note by gently re-tightening metal pins called tuning pins around which the strings are wound, using a tool called a tuning hammer.



  • Voicing

Voicing involves balancing the volume, tone, and overall sound of the piano by adjusting the hardness of the hammer felts by pricking them with needles using a tool called a picker.



7. How old is my piano?

The serial number provides an indication of the actual age of the piano and is found inside on the top right corner (Up-right Piano) and inside of the iron frame on the right (Grand Piano). Inspect carefully to see if the serial number has been tampered with. The smaller the number, the older the age of the piano.

New Kawai pianos today have seven-digit serial numbers, beginning with the number 2 (for pianos made in our Japanese factories) or the letter F (for pianos made in our Karawan factories). We do not publish the serial numbers of brand-new pianos, or those that are new enough that they are likely to be on display in our retailers’ showrooms.

8. What is done to prepare my new piano for delivery?

The Preparation Checklist for your new piano has been carried out prior to delivery. This serve as an assurance that the piano has not been damaged before it was unboxed and that it arrives at your home or studio in top condition. Last mile delivery is also handled by professional piano movers to assist you with unboxing and installation of piano heater. 

9. What is the difference between tuning, repair and regulation?

Tuning a piano is the adjusting of the strings to proper musical pitch, Repairs are fixing what’s broken or replacing parts, and Regulation (or regulating) is moving, bending, turning, shimming all the parts in the piano to make them work together properly.

10. What is a Piano Heater and Why do I need to turn the piano heater on?

A piano heater is a long, metal heating rod that can be installed in the base of an upright piano or behind the keys on a grand piano. 

The piano heater bar should be installed about 6-12 inches above the foot pedals, under the action. This positioning ensures effective distribution of heat, allowing the warm, dry air to rise into the piano’s cavity, which in turn protects the instrument’s sensitive wooden components from humidity and temperature fluctuations. This is crucial to maintain the tuning stability and prolong piano’s lifespan.


11. Where should I get these piano heater bar?




For every purchase of KAWAI Piano, Customers will receive a piano heater as a complimentary gift from our Authorized dealers ONLY.






12. Where is the best place to keep my piano?




By placing it away from the sun, there will be less temperature fluctuation and the sunlight will also fade the finish of your piano. Dampness will cause rust to the tuning pins and strings. Wood will expand thus causing sticky keys and fall in pitch. Placing piano near air vents, windows and doors will lead to the piano’s wood like soundboard, tuning block, bridges and case to dry out causing it to cracks. Do not put drinks, fish bowl and flower vases on the piano. Keep all liquids away. Any spill will cause damage to the piano.




13. How can I buy spare parts and accessories for my piano?


Due to the level of technical skill required to carry out repairs or replacement of parts, Kawai spare parts are not available to the general public. 


Should you require a spare part, please enquire via




14. Who shall I contact if I want to move my piano?


To receive the best care, strongly consider using a professional piano moving company if you own an acoustic piano. Hiring professional movers means you can sit back assured that your mover has the needed equipment and experience to safely get your piano from your old home to your new one.


You may contact if you could not find a professional piano mover. Once you move the piano, we recommend that you can engage an authorized Kawai Technician to do checking or tuning, to ensure piano’s best performance. 


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